

目前显示的是 七月, 2016的博文


这就是10年后你住的家! 阳台篇 ▼ 将落地窗转变为露天阳台 让你拥有更大的空间


色彩混搭风装饰关键: 1、复调家居色:   同材质同款式的3款不同颜色瓷砖,在家中出现了三次,厨房防溅板区域使用了浅灰色瓷砖,主卧卫浴间使用了粉色瓷砖,次卧卫浴间使用了白色瓷砖,对家居材质的控制几乎做到了完美品控的标准,有节制的混搭风就是这样子,如果是在家里大量杂糅的使用了3种以上不同风格的瓷砖,不叫混搭风,叫胡来。


这是一间 60 平米两室公寓,为保持开放式的布局,不仅客厅与厨房之间毫无遮挡,连儿童房以及主卧室也没有安排门。

Korean ♦Nox Prime Tiles♦ Millennial & Huereux

Environmental-friendly Multi-functional PVC Floor Tiles Nox Prime Tiles is taking the lead in developing Environmental-friendly products to cope with gradually reinforcing world-wide environmental regulations, satisfying the fast-changing well-being concepts of various customers.

Viva Carpet

Carpets are used for a variety of purposes, including insulating a person's feet from a cold tile or concrete floor, making a room more comfortable as a place to sit on the floor (e.g., when playing with children or as a prayer rug), reducing sound from walking (particularly in apartment buildings) and adding decoration or colour to a room. Carpets can be made in any colour by using differently dyed fibers.  Carpets can have many different types of patterns and motifs used to decorate the surface. In the 2000s, carpets are used in industrial and commercial establishments such as retail stores and hotels and in private homes. In the 2010s, a huge range of carpets and rugs are available at many price and quality levels, ranging from inexpensive, synthetic carpets that are mass produced in factories and used in commercial buildings to costly hand-knotted wool rugs which are used in private homes of wealthy families.

♥有了这样的卧室 我真想辞职宅在家里♥



现代建筑中,无论是家居还是写字楼,一扇扇窗组成了城市中不可缺少的一道“ 自然景观 ”。窗可使屋内的浊气与屋外的新鲜空气相互流通,利于健康,另外也能增加室内的采光,有房必有窗,窗帘自然也就相伴而来。窗帘不仅起到遮挡屋外视线的基本作用,还有很多风水作用。


是太热衷于海底世界么? 居然铺了这么惊艳的地砖!